If you are a member of the media and would like assistance on a story, please contact Danielle Yelich at 716-436-6307 or dyelich@niagaralutheran.org

Schofield Launches Wellness Library

Published January 5, 2011

Do you have questions about aging well? Are you looking for information about prevention or treatment of diabetes, heart disease or another condition? Looking for resources to help you stop smoking or lose weight? Schofield's recently opened Wellness Library may be the place for you to go. According...

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Schofield Receives Approval to Expand Adult Day Health Care Program Capacity

Published July 13, 2010

Schofield Residence has received approval from the New York State Department of Health to expand the number of clients it can serve in its Adult Day Health Care Program, announced Edward J. Gray, Schofield Residence President. A certificate of need, filed in 2009, received approval on March 17, 2010...

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May 1 Proclaimed Schofield Residence Day In Town of Tonawanda

Published April 23, 2010

Schofield Residence will celebrate the 100th anniversary of our founding on May 1, 1910 with a community birthday celebration at the Ken-Ton Chamber of Commerce Showcase. Schofield will have an exhibit at the event, featuring the 100-year history of our not-for-profit community organization. At 1:00...

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Schofield Kicks Off Celebration of 100 Years of Caring

Published February 24, 2010

The Schofield Residence, 3333 Elmwood Avenue in Kenmore, officially began its observation of one hundred years of service on February 18, 2010 with a party for their Nursing Facility residents and families. Their Century Party featured 10 theme tables decorated to represent the cultural history of e...

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Celebrating Our First Century of Caring

Published December 18, 2009

Schofield Celebrates 100 Years Women living at home were in need of wheelchairs, so they started the Wheel Chair Guild and began to loan out wheelchairs for in-home use. Soon, this group, headed by Dr. Jennie Schofield, realized that something more was needed. That some of these women living at home...

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